Tre progetti, tre partnership, un unico obiettivo. Ecco il nostro Perform Europe.
Si è chiusa la seconda parte del bando di Perform Europe. Come OCA DOC abbiamo complessivamente presentato tre progetti. Uno come capofila e due come partner. Se confermati tutti e tre, troveremo supporto per una programmazione concentrata, ma di altissima qualità: 4 spettacoli outdoor, tra teatro, circo ed esperienza partecipativa. Tutti i lavori sono stati selezionati per la concreta proposta di coinvolgimento di lavoro con la comunità residente e quella artistica. La prima sarà attivata tramite un lavoro preparatorio di mediazione culturale, la seconda tramite bandi per artisti professionisti e per dilettanti.
Questa programmazione sarà il primo seme piantato per cominciare a sviluppare nel futuro, anche accedendo ad altre risorse locali, il COED festival vero e proprio. Un festival in grado di farsi riconoscere nella sua specificità a livello nazionale e internazionale. Una strada alternativa attraverso cui non solo ospitare proposte internazionali di valore, ma anche di premiare e far circuitare le produzioni italiane che, col giusto tiro internazionale, siano coerenti con una visione innovativa e sostenibile dello spazio pubblico.
Leader: Doc Servizi Soc.Coop, Outdoor & Circus Arts division IT
Partner: SRSRLYyours Performance Ensemble CY | The International Theatre IT | Ypogeia Skini NGO – Synergeio Performing Arts Centre CY | Associazione Cinema Teatro Maffei aps IT | Play Perform Learn Grow (PPLG) GR
Artists: SRSLyours with “Man on the Roof” and The International Company with “The Jesters”
Abstract: Exploring project for sustainability in circulation of performing arts works within an international macro network, through its segmentation into a multitude of micro networks of partners strongly connected by territorial affinity, to make easier the mobility of art works along continuous paths (like a pilgrim’s walk) and not schizophrenics ones (like seismograph lines).
The project is focused on:
- Strong and longterm connection between micro network partners.
- Greater affinity for available resources.
- Shared interest in the enhancement of homogeneous geographical areas.
- Reduction of costs for mobility: for companies and organizers.
- Flexibility of presentation venues (venues, festivals etc) to also operate as “transitional stations” for traveling companies, even outside of consolidated or fixed events within a closed period.
- Facility in the creation of new cultural opportunities for artists’ touring transit places.
- Development of local communities through residential paths of direct involvement.
- Implementation of the role of the presenter, as a mentor for artists/companies in transit.
Leader: Tatwerk DE
Partner: Caterina Moroni IT | Artopolis Association – Placcc Festival HU | Eleusis 2021 ECoC GR | Doc Servizi Soc.Coop, Outdoor & Circus Arts division IT
Artist: Caterina Moroni with “Bloom&Doom [Poetical Riot]”
Abstract: TATWERK, Artopolis Association / Placcc Festival, Doc Servizi Soc.Coop, Outdoor & Circus Arts division and Eleusis 2023 ECoC jointed forces in creating a common program around the interactive performance “Bloom & Doom Poetic Riot” by Caterina Moroni. Under the title “Connecting Futures” the network will connect and amplify the voices of the involved children, creating a local impact as well as a connection beyond the borders. A dedicated website will document how the dramaturgy will grow at every new stage: each place visited, each community involved will leave a trace and feed the choral story that holds us, artists, programmers, participating children and audiences, together. Beyond building an awareness for the danger in which our planet is, we aim to develop a sustainable tour towards the environment as well as the workers and the families involved.
Elements of the project:
- adaptation and presentation of the work in four countries
- one live streaming of the performance
- one live meeting for all the components of the partnerships
- common documentation beyond the work of the local narrators
Leader: Tall Tales Company NL
Partner: Pepe Arts DE | Doc Servizi Soc.Coop, Outdoor & Circus Arts division IT | Companhia da Chanca PT | Addaura Teatre Visual-Teia Moner ES | Helsingør Teater | VTST SE| Take Art Limited UK | Creative Kernow UK
Artists: Tall Tales with “Square Two”
Abstract: 2 months, 9 partners, 34 presentations, 1 vision. The organizations in our partnership operate within with different contexts, levels of experience and funding, but from a single shared vision: Utilizing contemporary circus to sustainably connect with local communities. The central production is Square Two, a contemporary circus performance in which the audience takes a tour through a building, neighborhood or nature and is invited to re-experience the (unexpected) beauty of a location.
- Circular touring: presenting contexts offer multiple local performances, the entire tour is set up in one big loop and the crew travels lightly.
- Trying out and collecting a multitude of strategies in working with local (artistic) communities to achieve a more lasting local impact.
- Connecting all presenting partners to share best practices and form lasting collaborations. Sharing our learnings with a wider network.
- These aims all serve the same goal: a more sustainable model of bringing work to- and actively involving local communities, which each partner can continue to implement.